The Bajan superstar is apparently catching the eye of Warner Bros, who are interested in re-making the film ‘The Bodyguard’, created in 1992. Whitney Houston was the original star of this film which gave her career a huge boost and showed off her amazing voice even more. So it seems that now Rihanna may play the role of Rachel Marron, if it goes ahead. Other stars that are rumoured to be given a chance at this role also are Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus (I don’t think it could work if either of them were given the role). The original bodyguard was played by Kevin Costner, this time round apparently, he is expected to be replaced by a former Iraq war veteran, who lands the role after returning from action.
The interested re-makers have stated that the classic film will be altered with a modern twist, the character Rachel will be tracked down by a obsessive, stalker/fan by Facebook, Twitter and Google Maps. They stated "The goal is to take a young female singer with global appeal and give her the platform that The Bodyguard did Houston".
To be fair this film is still amazing, I don’t think it could be re-made to the same standard. The modern twists just don’t seem right? Whitney’s voice is amazing and it’s reflected in the movie, comparisons will just be made between the two. I don’t think Rihanna and Whitney can be compared. We will have to wait and see. Watch this space…
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